Pack 33, Westborough MA
Upcoming Events
February 13 (Thursday) - February Pack meeting 6:30-8. Blue and Gold Banquet.
March 13 (Thursday) - March Pack meeting 6:30-8. Cut Pinewood Derby Cars.
March 29 (Saturday) - Pinewood Derby (10-12) at First United Methodist Church.
Pack 3033’s annual Blue & Gold dinner filled with pizza, cupcakes, fun and animals!
The Westborough Fire Department hosted Pack 33 for a tour of the firehouse. The kids learn all of the life of a firefighter in Westborough and even got to check out the firetrucks!
Pack 33 members spent time cleaning up Westborough after a long winter. The kids worked hard throughout the town to make sure Westborough stays as clean as possible.
The mission of Scouts of America is to prepare young people
to make ethical and moral choices over their lifetimes
by instilling in them the values of the Scout Oath and Law.