Popcorn Time!
2019 POPCORN SALES TOTAL: $17,904!
$5,639 goes toward funding Pack 33 fun!
Popcorn Sales fun facts...
4 scouts made the $600 mark
1 scout made the $800 mark
1 scout made the $900 mark
4 scouts made the $1,000 mark
69% of storefront shifts were covered
0 critical shifts were left empty (we never had to shut down the storefront!)
18 Pop Star Sellers
13 scouts did 5 or more hours of storefront shifts
89% pack participation
51% of the pack made the $500 scout goal
100% guaranteed that Pack 3033 is the BEST!
Thank you to everyone who made this a huge success this year.
It's your Popcorn Kernel reminding you that our popcorn sale is about to Kick off! There are a lot of exciting changes to the Popcorn Program happening this year and I can't wait to share them all with you at next weekends Pack meeting. However, before that can happen I need your help. If you haven't already done so please visit the trails.end website to register your scout/make an account.
Help my Scout hit a fundraising goal! Your purchase helps pave the way to adventures for the entire year.
Please do this even if your child does not plan on selling popcorn. The season is about 6 weeks and they may change their mind. This will be the way I can communicate best with everyone. Instead of a sign up genius, we now have the ability to send store front selling location spots through the trails end website and your child needs to be registered on the Trails End Site in order to be able to sign up for a slot to sell at a store front. I currently only have 10 registered scouts from pack 33. If you made an account last year, your sign in is still the same, but please log on to make sure that all of your information is current.
If you are trying to register your scout for the first time you will need to know:
Our Council: Mayflower Council
District: HeadWaters
Unit: Pack 3033
Den # (insert your child's den #) if you can't remember check their uniform it's a patch on there somewhere
Popcorn Parents Information
Thank you for supporting your child in supporting our Pack through popcorn sales! If you attended last nights meeting you heard all of this there but know that the popcorn trackers and goal sheets are also attached here if your child did not come home with one last night.
Important Dates:
September 7-October 22 : Popcorn selling period for storefront, Wagon Sales and take home orders
Sunday November 17th: Popcorn pick up at 5 Sandra Pond Road for take home orders
Steps you need to do to participate in Popcorn sales:
2)Every scout NEEDS a trails end account. This is the same log in information you used in previous years. If you need your username and email you used with the account please let me know. Otherwise if you are new please create an account. Regardless if you child chooses to sell using the app or paper form, they need an online account in order to receive credit for council awards.
2) Please download the Trails End App. This is a terrific website that has made selling popcorn sooo much easier and also allows us to accept credit cards. Trails end will pay all credit card fees. This information has increased sales and turn no thanks you into sales. At table storefront sales, our pack has square swipe card readers for you to use to take credit cards, but at anytime you have the option of manually entering in a credit card to complete a sale. CASH sales are also recorded using the app. It also helps me track your child's sales as well as online orders, take home orders and store front sales as they are happening so I know if I need to bring more product for a shift. It is very easy to use and there are lots of training videos. that walk you through the app. I'm also happy to help answer any questions. The app will really make the sale a lot easier.
3) look for your paper order form in the mail today, or tomorrow. Scouts can still do traditional paper take home sales that way as well
This year our council is swapping out traditional in hand prizes for amazon gift cards. There is a still a tiered prize level system. You will see in the paper order form, there are different levels. When you reach a level of sales, it denotes what value of amazon gift card they will send your scout. What they have done is researched already what kinds of prizes a scout could purchase with the corresponding amount. But they are not limited to that. the gift card will come directly to you and you will be purchasing for your child. So let them play around on amazon and set a goal for what they want to earn.
In addition to council prizes, Pack 33 is offering the follow in pack prizes:
Pie in the Face: The following scouts will be able to choose to throw a pie in the face of their Den Leader or the scout master:
Top 3 sellers in the Pack
Top seller in each den (not including the top 3)
Scout who worked the most storefront locations
Glow Party: The den with the highest amount of sales will get a glow party
Pack Ice Cream Party: If our pack meets our $16,000 goal we will have an ice cream party
Prize Bucket: Each scout that reaches $500 in combined sales and brings back their popcorn tracker (see attached) can pick a prize from the bucket
Movie Night: Each scout that participates in 5 or more store front sales will be invited to a special popcorn and movie night
Storefront Rules:
1) A parent must accompany and stay with your scout for their entire shift
2) Never leave a scout alone at the table with inventory or the money box
3) Please arrive 5 minutes prior to your sale to allow time for a hand over of materials and money
Attached you will find the popcorn tracker sheet.